Cryoguard Technology Keeps Specimens Frozen
It is critical that tissue banks reevaluate procedures for monitoring heat sensitive samples, especially in light of events this year regarding the loss of frozen eggs and embryos caused by depletion of liquid nitrogen coolant at several large fertility centers.
Some of those centers reported that the loss occurred when a system malfunction caused specimens to thaw, while others indicated that temperature often increased at the top of the tank but stayed at proper levels on the bottom. Unfortunately, since there was no monitoring system in place for many such tanks, the facilities were unable to reliably identify specimens that had escaped damage.
Many additional facilities in the industry have taken the first step to monitor samples by having alarm systems in place, though these alarm systems are often subject to human and system errors. In addition, such alarm systems are not reliable if no one is in the facility to hear them. Thus, facilities need systems to mitigate losses in the event of power failures, system malfunctions and human errors.
Cryoguard™ Thermal Exposure Indicators satisfy such a need by giving real-time quality assurance that the efficacy of a specimen was never compromised by heat during storage, shipping or handling. The indicators signal thermal exposure via an irreversible green to red color change at six preset temperatures from -40°C to -150°C.
When kept at least 25 degrees below its signal temperature the indicator remains green. At its signal temperature, an indicator will irreversibly change color within two hours. And at ten degrees above its signal temperature the indicator changes color within minutes.
Had such indicators been used in the freezer boxes and on freezer canes, employees could have instantly identified the salvageable specimens and mitigated the unfortunate loss of eggs and embryos caused by the depletion of liquid nitrogen coolant at facilities earlier this year.
Cryoguard Corporation works to facilitate universal adoption of indicators to assure the viability of specimens and prevent inappropriate use of heat-damaged products. Many vigilant fertility centers, egg, sperm, bone, stem cell and cord blood banks throughout the world already use Cryoguard Thermal Exposure Indicators to assure clients that specimens entrusted to them were never damaged by heat during shipping, storage and handling.